Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for George F. Adamson

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NameGeorge F. Adamson
Birth Date9 Dec 1844
Birth PlaceMuskingum Co., Ohio
Death Date8 Dec 1914
Death PlaceElk City, Kansas
Spouse EntrySusan W. Deitrick
Spouse EntryMargaret C. Milam Dixon
MotherAnne Danhauer
FatherNathan Adamson
Child #1 Ada M. Adamson
Child #2 Leiota Dell Adamson
Child #3 Marellous Adamson
Child #4 Iola Adamson
Child #5 Bertie Adamson
Child #6 Claudie adamson
Child #7 Maude Ida Adamson
Child #8 Sadie Adamson
Child #9 Charles H. Adamson

Miltary records  George F Adamson,  was 5ft 51/2" tall, Fair Complexion , 
blue eyes and light hair.  He enlisted as a Volunteer during the civil 
war in Ohio on August 14,1862, Muster-in Sept 2, 1862 at age 17  and was 
honorable discharged on June 10, 1865.
Other sources: 1850 and 1860 census with parents in Muskingum Co. Ohio
1870,1880 census with wife Susan Deitrick and children
1900 Census with 2nd Wife Margaret Dixon  and children
1st. Marriage certicate Muskington Co. Ohio Co. Court records.
2nd Marriage certicate from Miltary  Pension records
Death Certicate:  Pension records from Miltary
Obituary:  Elk City Newspaper Kansas
I have a picture of Susan Dietrick, given to me by my mother,

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors