Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for Maude Ida Adamson

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NameMaude Ida Adamson
Birth Date10 Jul 1879
Birth PlaceElk City, Kansas
Death Date14 Aug 1943
Death PlaceMaywood, Los Angeles, Ca
Spouse EntryBert Shuey
MotherSusan W. Deitrick
FatherGeorge F. Adamson
Child #1 Thomas Frederick Shuey
Child #2 Lene Lucile Shuey
Child #3 Bert D. Shuey

I don't know what sister of my Grandmothers the Smith family came to be.  
I do know Hazel was my Grandma's Niece and her mother was a twin.  Hazel 
married Cecil Smith. 
They had four Children. Maxine Smith , Jim Smith, Avery Smith and Pat 
Smith. Pat married Frank Demoio and had six or seven Children including 
Twins. Maxine married Theodore Pitman and had four or five children 
including twins.  Jim  married  a woman name Harriet and they had three 
kids I believe. Avery married Carol and they had three kids. Jim, Laura, 
and Cathy.  Cathy has a boy named Cory Hough born in Washington 1987. 
Laura has been married three times.  Two of her children are from the 
first marriage. Lindsey and Joe.  Lindsey has a daughter named Carol Jo  
born 1992 or 93.  Laure had a child by her last and present marrriage to 
Mike Jensen.  They have one child Andrea born 1989

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors