Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestory Chart for Gregory Sherman Walburn

Gregory Sherman Walburn
Sherman William Walburn
Frances Fern Tucker
Milton A. Tucker
William Cogswell Tucker
William K. Tucker
James Tucker
Jonathan Tucker
Abner Tucker
John Tucker
Morris Tucker
Elizabeth Gill
John Gill
Phebe Buswell
Isaac Buswell
Abigail Heardon
Mary Trask
Mary Horndal
Benjamin Horndal
Mary Ann Cogswell
William Cogswell
Nathaniel Cogswell
Nathaniel Cogswell
Edward Coswell
William Cosgwell Jr.
William Cogswell
John Cosgwell
Edward Cogswell
Elizabeth Thompson
William Thompson
Susanna Hawkes
Adam Hawkes
Anne Hutchinson
Martha Emmerson
Rev. John Emerson
Thomas Emerson
Ruth Symonds
Hannah Brown
Huldah Kinney
Freelove William
Polly Downing
Phineas Downing
Anna Butts
Vienna Anway
James Anway
James Nanney
George Nanney
William Nanney
Mary Katherine
Caroline Jane Odel
Laura Belle Hansell
Othello V. Hansell
George W. Hansell
Michel Hentzell
George Hentzell
Michael Hensill
Johann Lorentz Hansell
Catherine Elizaberth
Anna Catherine Dewalt
Aberham Dewalt (or Dumbald)
Anna Catherine
Margaret Endler
Rachel Adamson
Laura B. Smith
Isabelle Stewart

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors