Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)


[JUDD]: 58 matches
Amos Judd [5 Apr 1708]
Amos Judd [25 Jul 1828]
Anthony Judd [1 Aug 1752]
Benjamin Judd [ABT 1642]
David Judd [30 Apr 1735]
David Judd [21 Oct 1719]
Dea. Anthony Judd [ABT 1675]
Elizabeth Judd [1670]
Elizabeth Judd [1633]
George Judd [4 Aug 1825]
Gideon Judd
Gideon Judd [5 Feb 1722/23]
Hannah Judd
Harriet Judd [21 Dec 1819]
Hezekiah Judd [12 Oct 1837]
Isaac Judd [1768]
Ithiel Judd [8 Dec 1710]
Job Jr. Judd [25 Oct 1790]
Job Judd [21 Oct 1755]
Job Judd [21 Oct 1757]
John Judd [ABT 1640]
John Judd [1686]
John Judd [1684]
John Judd [25 Apr 1718]
Joseph Jr. Judd [23 Sep 1832]
Joseph Judd [15 Oct 1787]
Joseph Judd [1672]
Keziah Judd [12 Sep 1730]
Lydia Judd [5 Jun 1713]
Mary (Polly) Judd [12 Mar 1789]
Mary (Polly) Judd [1857]
Mary Elizabeth Judd [7 Dec 1835]
Mary Judd
Mary Judd
Mary Judd [ABT 1644]
Orrin Judd [8 Sep 1796]
Philip Judd [ABT 1649]
Phineas Judd [13 Dec 1750]
Phineas Judd [4 Feb 1714/15]
Phineas Judd [23 Jun 1792]
Pruea (Pruie) Judd [4 Oct 1798]
Roswell Judd [17 Jul 1802]
Ruth Judd [1647]
Ruth Judd
Ruth Judd [12 Mar 1731/32]
Ruth Judd [31 Mar 1754]
Samuel Judd
Sarah Jemina Judd [4 Mar 1816]
Sarah Judd [6 May 1794]
Selah Judd [22 Jul 1800]
Selah Judd
Sergt. Benjamin Judd
Susanna Judd [8 Sep 1726]
Susannah Judd [13 Oct 1804]
Susannah Judd [17 Feb 1756]
Thomas Judd
Thomas Judd [1638]
William Judd [1636]

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors