Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for Elizabeth Swan

[View Pedigree Chart] [View Ancestory Chart]

NameElizabeth Swan
Birth DateABT 1645
Spouse EntryJoseph Hull
MotherJoanna Rutty
FatherHenry Swan
Child #1 George Hull
Child #2 Josiah Hull
Child #3 Joseph Hull
Child #4 Cornelius Hull
Child #5 Peter Hull
Child #6 Elizabeth Hull

Elizabeth Swan was the step daughter of Henry Farnam of Killingworth who 
raised her.

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors