Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for John Baldwin Adamson

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NameJohn Baldwin Adamson
Birth Date1700
Death Date1744
Death PlaceFrederick Co. Maryland
Spouse EntryLucy
FatherBasil Adamson
Child #1 Basil Adamson
Child #2 Lucy Adamson
Child #3 Jeremiah Adamson

Settlers of Maryland 1751-1765
John Adamson
Notes came from Prospectus Genealogy of the Adamson Family by A.P. 
Adamson written in 1918
John took the Oath of Fidelity on  March 2, 1778
this was found in Revolutionary Records of Maryland
It is believe that 
John Baldwin Adamson is the son of Basil Adamson.
Two brothers came here in 1661 John and Basil Adamson from England.
There is also a Evans Adamson who was transported here is 1663. As yet I 
have found no evidence to prove that John Baldwin Adamson is the son of 
Basil Adamson. Nor have I connected John  Baldwin with Evans.
I have proven the lineage of our line from John Baldwin Adamson.
John/Basil/Frederick/Nathan/George Frederick/Maude Ida./Lena Lucile 
Shuey/Barbara Jean Bryant
The Adamson line ends with our  Grandmother Maude Ida Adamson
I recently received some info that Evans is the father of John Baldwin 
My next job is to find proof.  Until I have  proof of who John Baldwins 
parents are,  I can not document  the material I have received.
Barbara Hull

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors