Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for Mildred Dolores Lotches

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NameMildred Dolores Lotches
Birth Date13 Jul 1917
Birth PlaceKlamath Agency, Klamath, OR.
Death Date5 May 1981
Death PlaceKlamath Falls, Klamath, OR.
Spouse EntryMilburn Clarence "Jarvie" Riddle
MotherMildred Mae Picard
FatherMartin Lotches
Child #1 Karen Arlene Riddle
Child #2 Sheila Ann Riddle
Child #3 Mildred Alberta Riddle
Child #4 Milburn Avery "Burnie" Riddle
Child #5 Steven Luke Riddle
Child #6 James Lee Riddle


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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors