Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)

Database Entry for Monica Ann Hull

[View Pedigree Chart] [View Ancestory Chart]

NameMonica Ann Hull
Birth PlacePRIVATE
Spouse EntryAllen Mouri
MotherCharlotte Ann Wiley
FatherJerald Rodger Hull
Child #1 Jayson Yoshio Mouri
Child #2 Kristopher Jerrald Mouri
Child #3 Zackary Muroi

Monica,  I need the birthday of your last son. Also I don't have Grandma 
Hull Baca's death record yet.  When I receive my  copy I will send you a 
The picure of the Church is St. Bartholomew's Parish Church, Crewkerne, 
Somerset, England.  It was a Catholic Church before King Henry Vlll 
seized all the land. Richard Hull is our first known ancester. The Hull 
family were faithful Catholics until the reign of King Henry the Vlll. At 
that time the  whole parish became the Church of England. Two generation 
later, som of Richard's descendant were Puritans in the Church of England 
and left for the Massachusetta Bay Colony in America. George was one of 
them. All the records, marriage baptism, etc. are recorded in St. 
Bartholomew's Church.
  Copies of these records are in "The Hull Family History",  by Robert E. 
He only did the Ancestors and descandants of George Hull.  Your lineage.

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Ancestors and Descendants of Theodore D. Hull and Barbara J. Hull (Bryant)
Research and database entry by Barbara Hull
Project Author: Jim Hull
All data, code, and rights belong to the afore mentioned Authors